


I understand that this page is suppose to be a bio for myself, but I wanted to take the time to clear up a few rumors that have been said about me here at Landalor. I don't want to mention any names....(Richard, Biff, Bob, and Herman) but it has come to my attention that certain people have said that I have a crush on Scott Baio. This is a total lie. I do not have a crush on Mr. Baio at all. I mean I do admire his work.

•profile coming soon •


After attending Harvard for two years, Bob felt his skill set could be augmented more comprehensively in the free market. (Because of ongoing civil litigation, Bob continues to have no comment on the Kappa Gamma Sig sorority "wet-T-shirt death matches" that allegedly resulted in two fatalities and three teen pregnancies.) Bob finished his undergraduate degree online through the University of Phoenix and achieved a Masters in Biziness Administracion from Guadalajara Institucion y Biblioteca.


Sherry graduated in the Spring of 2001 at the top of her class with an MBA from Wharton as well as a law degree from UPenn Law. She worked for CitiGroup for three years after graduation, a relationship that ended in a bitter legal battle over discrimination and unfair gender-based salary practices.

• profile coming soon •




A native of Potomac, MD, Charles attended Phillips Exeter Academy and Harvard University, where he was Phi Beta Kappa as well as President of the Harry Potter Club.

Bob the Copy Repairman likes to say he “hails from parts unknown.” This is actually his euphemism for having come to Landalor from a minimum-security prison in upstate New York where he “lived” for five years after stealing the entire pixie stick inventory of Honest Abe’s Honestly Delicious Candy Shoppe in Rochester. Bob was apprehended when he attempted to peddle the candy to undercover officers.